Friday, October 22, 2010

Breaking My Back

Hello everyone!!!
It's been a long week. My little one is with his daddy at the moment, and he's beginning to discover the benefits of texting. He's 6 years old and can read and write now, so whenever he goes to his dad's, I am constantly getting the most adorable texts from him. If he's sitting in the car, he confiscates his dad's phone and writes me. I absolutely love it! I woke up last Saturday to a text that said, "I love you beckuse your the best mom evre". Is that not the cutest thing ever? He is such a sweetheart!

As far as work is concerned, I need my own office. I tend to focus so much when I'm working that people try to talk to me and start conversations and I never hear a word they're saying. But when someone sits on the phone while I'm trying to work, I get so irritated and want to take their phone and throw it against the wall. The constant drone of the "monologue" makes my skin crawl. Is this normal? I think not. Who knows though.

Another topic. My ex-husband (who I claim never was because we got an annulment) is driving me absolutely bonkers. I was trying to get him to take my dog Phoebe until May because she's a big Boxer and I hate that she's stuck in the house all day while I'm not there. Now all of a sudden I am getting constant texts from him and I am ready to pull my hair out. I tried explaining to him that the closest we will get to a friendship is "acquaintances" but he doesn't seem to hear or understand me. Any thoughts? I hope he gets the point soon.

And another topic! Halloween is coming up soon and I am so excited about the Pirate Party we're going to next weekend :) It should be a ton of fun. I am going as a famous lady pirate, Anne Bonny. I'll have to take lots of pictures so you all can see how much work I put into my costume. Lol!

Let me know how you are all doing or give me a word so I can have a new topic to discuss besides my own life!

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