Monday, October 18, 2010

Exorcising The Mind

Has anyone ever considered exorcising their mind?
I am on my last emotional leg. Things have been crazy lately and I am definitely ready for a long vacation.
I want to exorcise my mind to the point where I am completely useless.
I am ready for a big quiet beach, a stack of books (or a Kindle), and lots of sun.
The only thing I want to do is relax.
Anyone know of a place like that? I need a friend with a condo on the beach so I don't have to pay for a hotel!

Cayden should come with me too because I think he also needs a vacation.
All those homework assignments he gets every night are starting to wear on him.

I am also discovering that this semester is the first semester where I can't just get A's without trying. I must actually study. It's a bit frustrating because I am not used to having to read my textbooks to understand the work. Except for math of course. Math has always confused me.

Anyway, back to daydreaming about vacations!

I also want an investor in the bar that I want to open up. If anyone knows someone I could ask to invest in my bar, get ahold of me. It would be a money maker. Promise!

Back to work for me. *sigh*

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